Administrative information regarding the Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Surfing Research (ANZASR) can be found on the Companies Office website - this link will take you straight there!
The ANZASR is the successor to a 3-year research project funded by the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment. Policy 16 of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS), under the Resource Management Act (1991), provides a legislative framework that identifies and protects surfing resources. While the legislation was ground-breaking as the world’s first environmental policy to specifically identify surf breaks as protected spaces, Aotearoa New Zealand still lacked effective implementation because there were no clear, quantitative measures or guidelines describing the oceanographic or geomorphic characteristics of the coastal zone that contribute to the functionality of a surf break.
The research project, entitled Remote Sensing, Classification and Management Guidelines for Surf Breaks of National and Regional Significance, considered surfing resources across the country, held stakeholder engagement meetings, undertook surveys, fieldwork, and deployed monitoring systems to better understand Aotearoa’s surfing resources. The research project culminated in the establishment of the Management Guidelines for Surfing Resources, monitoring stations and the publication of peer reviewed journal articles.
More information about the research project is available at
ANZASR Trustees
Ed Atkin
eCoast Marine Consulting and Research
University of Waikato
International Association for Surfing Research
New Zealand Coastal Society
Prof. Karin Bryan
Dean of the School of Graduate Research Te Mata Kairangi at the University of Waikato
New Zealand Coastal Society
Dr Shane Orchard
Waterlink Ltd
University of Canterbury
New Zealand Coastal Society